- The old-fashioned kind of book made out of genuine paper. Gen-You-Wine Paper.
- Autographed. Legibly. Okay, autographed.
- Delivered to your address, FREE.
- With a mini skeleton key tucked inside.
- Oh, and a matching bookmark.
- Because I know how to do FREE.
by S. R. Karfelt |
Nothing is free. FALSE!
So not true. Like oxygen, laughter, and eye contact, ten copies of my Action Adventure novel, Warrior of the Ages, are free!
Free is a great price.
You just click the widget below and will be instantly transported to the Goodreads site.
Caveat? You have to live in the USA. Why? Because the publisher just saw the bill for shipping a pile of WOA books to UK and Australia from my last giveaway, and they said something subtle to me like, WHAT THE HECK?! So not paying for this! We said USA!
That totally cut into my dark chocolate fund. I had to dress up on Halloween and go door to door on my knees pretending to be a kid just to score some chocolate for my addiction.
And it was all milk chocolate. Bleh.
Of course I'm kidding. Who would do that? Well, I possibly would, but fortunately for me I happen to know where someone's secret chocolate drawer is, and it is closer than crawling around the neighborhood.
So this month's giveaway is USA USA USA.
So what's the book about? You could check out the video trailer on YouTube for WOA.
You could click over to Amazon - or wherever you like to get your books and see for yourself - but all that extra clicking is exhausting.
This is the blurb from the back cover.
Immortality means one thing to Kahtar. Duty.
For millennia the ancient immortal warrior has returned to guard
his people from the outside world. This time, Kahtar must moonlight as a cop to
guard the entrance to paradise.
Beth White is drawn to the idyllic little village of Willowyth,
Ohio, unaware there is a terrifying reason for her unnatural attraction. She
soon learns a place full of secrets is nowhere to hide her own.
When a man's duty is to protect his kind from outsiders, what
happens when he discovers one of his own living in the wrong world?
Where is truth and honor when worlds collide?
Though it's about a lot more than that. It's about never being able to escape your past. It's about belonging. It's about prejudice. It's about endurance. And that's just the part about the stinky dog.
I like big books and I cannot lie. I mean I like big stories. So if you do too, gather your energy and click away!
Goodreads Book Giveaway

Warrior of the Ages
by S.R. Karfelt
Giveaway ends December 06, 2013.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.
Enter to win
My name is Stephanie Karfelt and I'm the writer, as evidenced by the fact that it is 3:32 a.m. in the morning and I'm writing a blog. It's what I do. I can only hope that this blog is in some small fraction as humorous to you during daylight hours as it is to me and my muse in the middle of the night.
Can I win just the skeleton key?